Friday, October 3, 2014

An open letter to SMART @SmartCares

Hi there,

Let me start by saying I am a homebase - freelancer. At home, we juggle our own time, we choose the job we want, we design our own contract and we work while being with our family.

We are the ones who does not face the computer for facebook. We are the ones who prefer not to battle with EDSA everyday. We are the ones who 
tries to battle unemployment rate by finding work that the government can't provide. 

We also rely to internet providers to complete our projects. 

In relation to this, I also would like to express my utmost disappointment to Smart's internet connection which started August 3, 2014. I was doing a project which costs $300 to be completed in 5 days. To my disgust, I was getting "CONNECT FAILED" error every time I attempt to connect to the internet. 

I was calm, I called customer service at 1 o'clock in the morning waited for more than 30 minutes for an agent over the phone. The representative gave me no reason why I was not able to go online. Got a load (prepaid), registered for a month's unlimited internet, and I cannot use it. I stayed up until 3AM wishful thinking that I will be able to be connected. Unfortunately, no success. 

I was able to browse the internet after 48 hours. Too late. The project was cancelled by my employer and I was not paid. 

The next day, a customer service representative called me to say my bill on my postpaid line is due. Here's a logic: My postpaid bill costs $80. You cost me $300. 

I let that go even though I was registered to the internet at that time, and I was not able to use it for 48 hours. 

I hate calling customer service. Such a waste of time!

September, same thing happens not once but twice. Again, your customer service people didn't help at all. A recorded script: "We will forward this to our technical team..." was the only response they can provide. 

And again, I did not bother to get credited for another, i mean 2 instances of 48 hours lost of internet connection for the month of September. 

These should be refunded right?

From October 1, until October 4, I am getting intermittent signal. Internet connection disconnects every 5 minutes. 

Since calling your customer service hotline is such a waste of time, I use twitter instead. 

Similar to your UNRELIABLE internet connection, your people are UNRELIABLE too. 

They're been asking for million times information via DM which I provided them ages ago. 

I am using my internet not for facebook only. I am using my internet to earn a living. To send my 2 brothers to college, to pay rent and other city services, to pay you guys and I am using my internet to feed myself.

I am spending almost 30,000 annually for smart. These includes my connection, my bill, and my brother's load. In return, I get shitty service.

Smart does not care about customer's. All they care about is stealing their customer's money. 
Friday, September 19, 2014

How I Celebrated My 2014 Birthday

2014 is much more challenging than the past years. It started with relationships not ending well, my resignation from my almost-10 years job, tackling the corporate world, jumping from one job to another hoping to find which fits my lifestyle.

On the other hand, 2014 brought blessings overflowing. New relationships, new job which eventually fits my lifestyle, new comrades, and several things I get to ignore every time I open my eyes.

This year, I'm broke. literally broke. But I'm happy. My paypal account being frozen is not a joke to begin with. I have exhausted every funds I have, my savings, and trust fund to name a few just to get me through the month. I have a brother in college, with another one battling several entrance exams, I have to share with food, boarding house and city services too. All dropped upon my shoulder. These never stopped me though.

My day began with endless messages via facebook. Two separate phone calls from my partner and his mom respectively and my brother's wife bringing home a half-roll yema cake made my day. 

I was blessed with friends and cousins to help. My partner and his family did the same. I was blessed with a brother who has high grade in college and the youngest being responsible enough at his early age.

More than enough to be thankful for.
Friday, September 19, 2014

Every Girl's Rival

They say that a best friend is everyone's worst enemy and a mother-in-law is every girl's greatest rival. I beg to disagree. My birthday started with a phone call from my boyfriend's mom. Well, second from my boyfriend of course. I celebrated my natal day this year with nothing however, she made it special with a pretty gift straight from Singapore. 

I never felt so special by someone who I barely knew. She said I'm a part of the family, what she gives me is no different from what her children have. I'm so amazed with her ideals. How she juggles her life from being a single mom, a daughter and a career woman. There's not much to earn but there's more than enough to get through the day. I've heard much of her from her son. It made a big difference when I talked to her. I was able to get to know her more. As my brothers and I were victims of greed and selfishness. She was too, one point in her life. But one time over the phone, she reminded me not to dwell on it for there will come a time that life will turn its favor on me. She calls it Karma.

She doesn't have any space for greed and selfishness for she believes that those who have such will never be blessed. 

One thing I would need to be thankful for this year is the gift of love that mu boyfriend and his family offered. I have nothing. But similar to God, He gave His only Son. A gamble the Lord has taken for me for nothing in return. 
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Death Anniversary - Why remember?

It was the night of July 22, 1996. I cannot forget that night. It was Thursday. Yes! That is for sure. I was deep asleep when my mom marched inside my room, woke me up saying, "Watch your little brother for me.. There somewhere I have to go.." 

It is not usual for a relative who lives a kilometer away from us to knock, calling my mom's name in the middle of the night. It is more unusual for my mom to wake me up in the middle of the night to watch for my brother who at that time was just 11 month old. It is most unusual for a mom who should be thinking that we, her children, have a class the next day to go out late in the evening without any occasion.

Yes. My memory of that night is still vivid. 
That was the day I lost my father without even knowing it. 

It was a day of agony. 
It was a day of misery. 
It was a day of distress. 
It was a day I cannot forget. 
It was a day that I felt nothing. 
It was a day when my heart was in full torture.
It was a day I look everywhere and remember my dad. 
It was a day when my Knight in Shining Armor lost his brilliance. 
It was a day where I shed tears not because I was hurt, but because I was left behind.
It was a day not worth remembering because of the pain, but it was a day I grew strong. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
It was a BLACK day. 
Monday, April 28, 2014

Why US President Barack Obama's Philippine visit made me sad

April 28, 2014 marks the visit of US President Barack Obama. The government tries to see to give the best welcome, the best service and security as one of the most powerful man on earth tries to sneak peek our homeland.

It is but right that the said procedure be in place. Protect him and give him honor. I would like to believe that any country would treat our President the same if he steps out of his homeland and visits another.

My agony though starts with people who doesn't even care to understand. This flag is one of the witness on how bashers put into action their illiteracy and misunderstanding.

Every citizen should be able to understand the goal of every visit and to react in a manner decent enough for people to lay-down your points of the matter. 

The issue of the Philippines becoming a US state has never died down everytime they visit the country which I believe such issue has already been dismissed since 1992.

The balikatan I believe is a win-win situation should we consider our current status with China. US President Barack Obama's words given to Japan can also be a blessing to the Philippines. 

The Yolanda tragedy that recently struck the Philippines also is a clear manifestation of how other countries extended their help to our beloved fellowmen.

Sadly, these protesters are missing what good has been done and protesting about something they project to be happening when it is not even happening. 

Let alone your belief, your predicaments and your anguish. I just hope that each and every visit of someone in our country would bring something they would remember without the hesitation of coming back. 

I just hope that the US President's visit should be similar for every one entertaining their own visitor at home. I am sure you wouldn't want somebody bashing out your visitor saying those words written in the flag. 
Monday, April 21, 2014

Heaven is for real - A struggle of faith

Catching a glimpse of Heaven is for real turned out to be a blessing. I invited a friend over to watch the movie with me and scenes on the screen got me teary eyed. 

It's a story of a simple family of four (eventually turned five). A mom, who maintains the music ministry in a church, a dad who works as a volunteer firefighter and at the same time a minister at their local church with two beautiful kids.
As a family, they also have their share of trials and that's where adorable Colton comes to the picture.

This time, I won't be doing a review about this movie since I don't want such to turn into a debate of what readers believe in rather, I will point out the most important phrases I've noted while inside the cinema. 

At the hospital

During the time that Colton was admitted to the hospital, his father Todd, went to the chapel shouting: 
"You made me suffer and I took that. You made my family suffer and I took that. Now you want to take my SON?"
In a scenario such as this, I thought of maybe the father; though he is a minister in the story should know better. He should know the response in certain situation like this. 

On the other hand, he may be acting human after all.
At the same time as he was yelling to God, his wife called friends and asked for prayers. 
In times of crisis, to whom do you turn to?

With the psychologist

With prayers answered, Colton got well and started talking about heaven. This bought uneasiness to his father Todd and started consulting a psychologist.

Here are three questions we usually need in our daily life.

  1. Is it unusual (for your wife) to call friends and ask for prayer in times of crisis?
  2. Is it unusual for you to pray?
  3. Did you come here today because you were wondering about my faith, or about your own?
The Persecution

I remember a pastor saying: 
"When you follow God, prepare to be persecuted.." 
This is true. In one scene, after the story has been published in a local newspaper, Todd was coming out of the restaurant and a group of men shouted: 
"Next time that there is a fire, can you tell Jesus that instead of walking on water, He could just dump it on the fire?"
A perfect example of walking the Christian faith is telling everybody about Jesus and sharing the word of God. Taking up your cross won't be an easy task but as we go through sharing the Gospel, may we be reminded that God will take care of their hearts.

The Saviour

At the graveyard, Nancy and Todd talks about life, love and death. In this chapter, a phrase catched my attention with Nancy saying: 
"You don’t have to save the world, Todd. I believe that’s already been done." 
A phrase of belief. A phrase uttered claiming Jesus saved you and me...

Colton's message

I have been watching a recent interview with Colton before they released the movie and he said: 
“The problem is we’re too attached to things in this world and they can’t go into heaven. “So when you love Jesus and you decide to follow him, it’s easier to let those things go so you can be in heaven for an eternity.”
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Because Of The Cake

Listening to people talk about resto's and cafe's you would be asking yourself and companions when will you go there to try their best seller? 

One of the most talked-about cakes were from Contis. My friends and I paid a little visit after a long day of work.

Environment is great. Not too crowded. Not too noisy. Maybe because the location is a little bit isolated from the most visited part of Greenbelt.

Since cakes are the most talked about specialty, we decided to try different produce as well.

There is nothing special about their palabok. Red Ribbon's is better than this. Cost-wise, expensive for a small serving. 

Spaghetti meatballs and other pastas are nothing but ordinary. 

Carbonara is creamy with additional water settled below. I think it was not drained too well.

Of course a cake to complete the meal. 

Serving time: Terrible... That means more than 30 minutes of waiting. 

But one reason to go back: The cakes!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where The Good Guys are Connecting People

In a world where Napoles, Tuason, Estrada and Enrile stars the TV screen, we maybe wandering, 

"Where are the hell now are the good guys?"

When SMDC posters are around..
I would always ask myself, "where?"
In a Pinoy setting, we'll ask: "Asan? San banda?"

Last week, my friend Johnievic lost his wallet along with his passport and visa along Ilocos Sur. With the turn of events it was returned to him in no time. 

His trip may have been impossible if these valuables were not recovered. His work would have been spent travelling from one office to another to replace what was lost. 

On his way to Manila this morning, he found a phone inside the bus along where he was seated. Everyone's norm would be to keep such trinket. Fortunately, he was not "everyone". He went the extra mile to send messages to people in the contact list until someone replied introduced himself as the father of the owner of the phone. Since he has a plane to catch, yours truly was asked to deliver it to the rightful owner. 

My place is near where the family is staying. We agreed to meet halfway at a certain mall to return the phone. 

I met a very adorable family. Introduced himself as Mr. Collado, along with his wife and two pretty daughters. The phone was a gift from an aunt to one of her daughters. The family went all the way from Mindanao to visit the North, experience the cold nights of Baguio and attend a church annual conference. 

As we say, sentimental gifts are respected and treated as treasures. 

I left with a smile on my face and the experience: PRICELESS

And so there are OUR GOOD GUYS.. It's not returning a favor per'se.. It's doing the right thing...
...and the phone lived by it's slogan: Connecting People.. 
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The King of Burgers

Things you would love about Burger King..

1. Whooper - I love it heavy pickled
2. Fries - Not too salty
3. Float - with lots of sundae
4. Free WiFi - password is available from the counter
5. Free charging of your gears - just be on the look-out
6. Free massage!
Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Light, Satisfying Indian Meal

After two hours of seminar, a newly met friend, Jenny, and I decided to take a walk while waiting for our next session. With the time available, we decided to take a snack at the nearest Indian restaurant. 

New Bombay just around the corner of HV Dela Costa in Makati was our stop. Having been exhausted, we truly enjoyed it's ambiance thus, we took the middle dining table of the resto. Most of the time, in a place like Makati, one would enjoy less crowded place like this. I will be one of the people who enjoys a quite place to eat. 

Being my first time, and not familiar with the dishes, my friend took care of our order and we agreed ordering a a light meal for the two of us. We ordered only one dish, Chicken Masala paired with naan.

Chicken Masala, which is new to my taste is terrific. At first glance, it looks like an orange version of chicken curry. With first taste, creamy, a little bit spicy and still creamy. The topped onion leaks and cheese added flavor to the stew.

On the menu, the naan was presented with different flavors but I was the one who requested it to be plain. Naan looks a bit like the bread used by Jesus during the last supper. It may look just a plain and simple bread but this seemed to be heavier than a cup of rice. 

This combination of food makes a great pair!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Pastas and Cakes Can Never Go Wrong

Before going to church, me and my friends agreed to meet for lunch. Reasonable enough since some of us will be coming from the office dissmissed at 1PM. Market Market is the meeting area near the church thus, we agreed to dine out at our fave resto Banapple. There are only two franchise we've tried so far. Banapple located at Ayala Triangle Gardens and Banapple Market Market. We've been here several times but and dining experience has never let us down

During lunch, expect the place to be full-packed of hungry munchers. Outside the store are two small lounge where you are given a number and you have to wait until a table is un-occupied for you. Thumbs down for the space. Both branches, Ayala Triangle and Market Market has very limited space that can only accommodate certain number. Renting out a more spacious area may be advisable. 

The Fries..

Unlike the regular fries ordered from fastfood restaurants, this one was seasoned with spices and comes with garlic cheese dip.

The Pasta

Trio of Sausage Fettuccine
Though it is said that their best seller is Baked Creamy Cheesy Penne, I would strongly recommend Trio of Sausage Fettuccine which is topped with  chorizo, garlic longganisa, and Hungarian sausage and cheesy, creamy sauce. 

The Entrees
Hickory Smoked Barbecued Country Ribs

Chicken Breast Parmigiano
Salpicao Rafael
 The cakes
Banofee pie
 Don't ever leave the store without a taste of their delicious pies and cakes. 

The Sandwicheese
Crunchy Chicken Fillet and Bell Pepper Sandwich

Moments via Collage

Bannaple is open every day! If you want to call them, you can reach their different branches with the contact details below:

Katipunan Branches:
Address: 206 and 225 Katipunan Ave., Blue Ridge, Quezon City
Telephone Numbers: (02)439.2675 and (02)438.2675

Tomas Morato Branch:
Address: 2nd. Level, Il Terazzo, Tomas Morato cor. Sct. Madrinan, 
South Triangle, Quezon City
Telephone Numbers: (02)413.2675

Ayala Branch:
Address: Ayala Triangle Gardens, Ayala Ave., Makati City
Telephone Numbers: (02)756.2675

San Juan Branch:
Address: Connecticut St., Northeast Grenhills, San Juan City
Telephone Numbers: (02)477.2675

Market Market Fort Branch:
Address: Market! Market!, BGC, Taguig City
Telephone Numbers: (02)413.2675

You can also visit their website at or send them an email at
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Trust Mistrusted - Bride For Rent Review

From Market Market Taguig to Glorietta Cinemas, we were a bit disappointed that the fourth day of Bride For Rent in the cinemas still shows long lines (and I mean looonnngg lines) and full-packed movie theaters. We ended up watching the film the next day at SM Megamall instead.

My initial impression of the movie would be romantic comedy. It turns out to be combination of romantic - comedy plus drama.
The story started with Rocco (Xian Lim) a playboy who does not believe in commitment, was indebted and needed the release of his trust fund to finance an advertising project and to pay a debt from the casino. Unfortunately, the said fund can only be released if this bachelor will get married hence, hired Rocky/Raquelita (Kim Chiu) to pose as bride. 
The plot heats up when the bogus wedding that they arranged was supplemented with true feelings of love.

Xian's character maybe a bit exaggerated at the start of the movie especially with the comedy part where he tends to put some extra effort to be funny but tended to be a great acting when it comes to drama and romance. 

Kim Chiu on the other hand was consistent with her acting to her past projects. Her acting on this film maybe 90% compared to her "My Binondo Girl" project. Hilarious but poised Kim Chiu did well on this movie. 

Though the finale was rushed. There should have been more spice during the forgiveness and courtship before real wedding took place. But all in all, the movie was well presented in a manner that touched every movie goer's heart to tears.