It is but right that the said procedure be in place. Protect him and give him honor. I would like to believe that any country would treat our President the same if he steps out of his homeland and visits another.
My agony though starts with people who doesn't even care to understand. This flag is one of the witness on how bashers put into action their illiteracy and misunderstanding.

Every citizen should be able to understand the goal of every visit and to react in a manner decent enough for people to lay-down your points of the matter.
The issue of the Philippines becoming a US state has never died down everytime they visit the country which I believe such issue has already been dismissed since 1992.
The balikatan I believe is a win-win situation should we consider our current status with China. US President Barack Obama's words given to Japan can also be a blessing to the Philippines.
The Yolanda tragedy that recently struck the Philippines also is a clear manifestation of how other countries extended their help to our beloved fellowmen.
Sadly, these protesters are missing what good has been done and protesting about something they project to be happening when it is not even happening.
Let alone your belief, your predicaments and your anguish. I just hope that each and every visit of someone in our country would bring something they would remember without the hesitation of coming back.
I just hope that the US President's visit should be similar for every one entertaining their own visitor at home. I am sure you wouldn't want somebody bashing out your visitor saying those words written in the flag.