Friday, September 19, 2014

How I Celebrated My 2014 Birthday

2014 is much more challenging than the past years. It started with relationships not ending well, my resignation from my almost-10 years job, tackling the corporate world, jumping from one job to another hoping to find which fits my lifestyle.

On the other hand, 2014 brought blessings overflowing. New relationships, new job which eventually fits my lifestyle, new comrades, and several things I get to ignore every time I open my eyes.

This year, I'm broke. literally broke. But I'm happy. My paypal account being frozen is not a joke to begin with. I have exhausted every funds I have, my savings, and trust fund to name a few just to get me through the month. I have a brother in college, with another one battling several entrance exams, I have to share with food, boarding house and city services too. All dropped upon my shoulder. These never stopped me though.

My day began with endless messages via facebook. Two separate phone calls from my partner and his mom respectively and my brother's wife bringing home a half-roll yema cake made my day. 

I was blessed with friends and cousins to help. My partner and his family did the same. I was blessed with a brother who has high grade in college and the youngest being responsible enough at his early age.

More than enough to be thankful for.
Friday, September 19, 2014

Every Girl's Rival

They say that a best friend is everyone's worst enemy and a mother-in-law is every girl's greatest rival. I beg to disagree. My birthday started with a phone call from my boyfriend's mom. Well, second from my boyfriend of course. I celebrated my natal day this year with nothing however, she made it special with a pretty gift straight from Singapore. 

I never felt so special by someone who I barely knew. She said I'm a part of the family, what she gives me is no different from what her children have. I'm so amazed with her ideals. How she juggles her life from being a single mom, a daughter and a career woman. There's not much to earn but there's more than enough to get through the day. I've heard much of her from her son. It made a big difference when I talked to her. I was able to get to know her more. As my brothers and I were victims of greed and selfishness. She was too, one point in her life. But one time over the phone, she reminded me not to dwell on it for there will come a time that life will turn its favor on me. She calls it Karma.

She doesn't have any space for greed and selfishness for she believes that those who have such will never be blessed. 

One thing I would need to be thankful for this year is the gift of love that mu boyfriend and his family offered. I have nothing. But similar to God, He gave His only Son. A gamble the Lord has taken for me for nothing in return. 