Saturday, May 18, 2013

How Good is Being Bad, The Ultimate Kontrabida

Raised eyebrows, chin up, straight body. How can you forget that face. Everytime I see her in a film, or a scene, I keep thinking, " Oh-uh, this is not good.. "

I remember my mom has a "bipolar" feelings about Ms. Bella Flores. She likes her as a villain (kontrabida) and she dislikes her when she's gone bad.. really bad.

May 19, 2013, a villain passed away. Heroes may have been more than happy, but not today.

Known as Bella Flores, she started acting as antagonist on most films, hated by most, and gave life and twist to Philippine cinemas.

Nobody can be so good at being bad.

Unfortunately, even a villain is fighting her own villain. She's been battling diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

I myself would give a bow to the most memorable faces and icons of the Philippine cinema wherein without her, Cinderella won't have a step-mom, witches may have been good, and life wouldn't have a downfall then be happy ever after... 
