Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Man of Steel Turns Disaster-Porn

Clark Kent, Smallville, Krypton, Lex Luthor, Superman. 
These names ring a bell in a certain world of Superman. Once evolved cartoonic series to movies. Now he is the man of steel. 
As my company's employee appreciation day, they treated their employees to watch The Man Of Steel franchise. 

This new Snyder-Nolan team up came with a totally different perspective and story line of the said Superman series. Say goodbye to Lana Lang as love interest and Lex Luthor as villain. In this movie, we've got the Clark Kent against people from his own planet, Krypton. 

Though the movie was more of a disappointment, I highlighted some of the points I did not miss. 

The story itself was fast-forwarded to answer the question, What becomes of Superman after Luthor and after Jonathan Kent?

Though it highlights several main points about the difficulty of discovering oneself, his love life, his struggles and his earthly-father's desire to keep his ability a secret, this movie has been more of Clark discovering Krypton. 

When we say EPIC-FAIL, I think this was what the movie was all about.
  • The presence of giant ships, and Jor-el's trench coat allows you to enter "The Matrix". Hey Keanu Reeves... 
  • Where Jor-El's presence is called "a shadow" from an "S"-shaped USB that the people from Krypton use also to maneuver the ship. 
  • Where the codex is not even an item that they are looking for but the codex it Clark Kent itself. 
  • Where the letter S is portrayed as a symbol for "hope". 
  • Where Lois Lane was asked by the aliens inside the ship for no reason at all.
  • Where  Martha Kent survived after being thrown by Zod and Zods men never did anything else than to disappear after he was taken by Superman in the city for more act of violence. 
  • Where New York was one block away from a farm without any sky-scrappers. 
  • Where Metropolis came into crumble but Superman never intended to help the people buried underneath the rubble.
  • Where Zod was programmed to save Krypton even without the existence of Kryptonians.
  • Where Lois Lane is an award winning Pulitzer journalist and I don't even have a clue why was that mentioned.
  • Where moral-issue was highlighted but was unable to save his earthly father, standing helpless in front of a tornado. 
  • Where "you're not my real dad" script comes out of the context.
  • Where Metropolis watch many people die when the man of steel was in nowhere but comes back in time to rescue Lois Lane.
  • Where after snapping Zod's neck, Lois Lane appears for some reason. 
  • Where contrary to the Superman everyone knows of, this man of steel does not care about the people's safety and welfare. 
  • Where his weakness is not on Kryptonite but on killing (moral issue). 

Though the movie was a THUMBS-DOWN on my viewpoint, I still highlighted some quotes from the movie that struck me.
Just because you can't control me doesn't mean I'm your enemy.
Faith comes first, trust will follow.
You are my son. But somewhere out there you have another father, and he sent you here for a reason. And even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.
What if child dream of becoming something other than what society intended? What if a child aspire to something greater.
Superman was once portrayed as a person from Krypton to save the people. In this movie, he was there to protect people. To save and protect are two different frames which were not highlighted in the movie. Maybe it was but it sucks.

The only part I love was how the two fathers, provided love, care and assistance to Clark. 

