Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Global Street Corner -dj-

I started out with a friendster account... I created my log in and password. I  uploaded one profile picture and logged out. Four years passed before I logged in again. Seriously, no joke.. I guess I was still contented with the good old fashioned way of meeting people - by chance, by introduction, friend of a friend, bumping into you at the market, weekend night out so on.. But honestly after being here a while I wonder if I would go on date without checking your profile, read a few blogs and maybe chat a bit first... An hour or


This is far more futuristic.. I call it the global street corner. lol* I call it that because it's sort of the way it happens. "I'm just strolling along cyber street turn the corner and we bump into each other and meet. It would take a million years and a million street corners for this to happen on a real street corner. What's so great about a real street corner anyways? Why is that more romantic? I, for one, tend to avoid hanging out on random street corners.. And God knows even if you do see someone you find interesting walking by what on earth would say to them? I'm clueless here.. I've seen it before... A guy will approach the girl and say, "hi, hello, how are you doing?" She snaps back with, "I'm late for work and your in my way." lol.. *sigh* hehehe 

No thanks I'll just do this my way... I will even go so far as to suggest relationships that start online can be stronger and healthier then those we meet through traditional methods. It all depends on how long you spend chatting and getting to know each other on a non-sexual level.. Its more cerebral... Depending on the level of honesty, you might have a better chance of getting to the bottom of things quicker than in person. For example, you could see if you're interesting enough that your new friend stays home on a Saturday night to chat you til 3am. lol* That could say alot.. dunno. 

Now, I'm not saying I would or could wait and endure years of "getting to know you chit chat." I'm not that big a fan of the whole pleasure delayer thing, especially if we were connecting at a rapid pace. But part of me could still fantasize about us chatting and talking for months until one day we break down and say no more! After covering every topic imaginable.. becoming close and intimate in details.. Until we have nothing else to divulge or discover..

until we have talked our hearts and souls out putting everything on the table.

-What an amazing fun-silly-tearful-joyful-angry-sad-happy journey it will have been.. So, doesn't that give us a real solid foundation of under-standing each other?

"Once we have taken the spritual love affair as far as we can possibly go on the weirdwackoworldwideweb... Then the physical.."

You say, "Let's meet."